Creamy baked fish on potato gratin


Creamy baked fish on potato gratin



This dish gives off veritably French- country vibes. Which, in hindsight, is rather unsurprising given it’s a form that our veritably own Cook JB just casually threw together one day. We ate it, loved it so muchdeclared it was “ website- good ” also progressed to remake it oh, I do n’t knowperhaps 10, 12 times before we were completely happy with it and closed out all the “ what ifs ”?

principally, it’s a delicate potato gratin, heavy on the leek( or onion), with fish that’s ignited on top at the same timecovered in a brickle golden breadcrumb beatingSo basically, the breadcrumb beating acts as a lidkeeping everything amorous and succulent as the fish bubbles down in the delicate sauce while the gratin soaks up the delicious fish authorities.


It’s just an all-out cosy dish of delicious cosiness!



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