1st Step:


Measure three and a half cups of all-purpose flour and yeast into the bowl of your stand mixer. Stir these two ingredients for a few seconds, or until they are well blended.


2nd Step:


Next, melt the butter over medium heat in a pot on the stovetop. After the butter is melted and bubbling, take it from the heat and whisk in the sugar and salt until you can see and feel the grains dissolving in the hot butter.


3rd Step:


Add the milk gradually while stirring continuously. The desired temperature for the milk and butter combination is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit. After your wet components have achieved the appropriate temperature, add an egg and mash it in with a fork.

4rd Step:

Stir the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients in a stand mixer’s bowl. Ensure that the dough hook attachment is attached to your mixer. Reduce the speed of your mixer and observe as the components blend. After about one minute, a sticky dough should begin to come together.


5th Step:


Increase the mixer speed slightly and let the dough knead for about three minutes. The dough should be tacky to the touch without being too sticky. If the dough looks to be too sticky, continue kneading and gradually add flour, one tablespoon at a time, until the desired texture is achieved.


6th Step:


Two hours later, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set it in a warm area of your kitchen. It ought to have doubled in size after around two hours. After you see that the dough has completely risen, and before you do anything else, butter a big rectangular pan.


7th Step:


Spread the dough on a work surface that has been gently oiled with vegetable oil. With a rolling pin, flatten the dough into a rectangle measuring roughly 18 inches wide and 12 inches deep. Butter the dough in its melted form.


8th Step:


Put the diced strawberries into a large bowl along with the sugar and whisk until barely blended. Distribute the strawberry-sugar mixture evenly on the dough rectangle.


9th Step:


From the long side, roll the dough into a single long roll. Split the long roll into 12 rolls by slicing it in half, then in half again, and then each of those portions into three pieces.


10th Step:


Place the twelve pieces in the pan that has been oiled. With a rectangular dish, a pattern of three rows of four works beautifully. Cover the baking dish with a clean kitchen towel and let the dough rise. It is also advisable to preheat the oven at this time. Set the tempe at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.


11th Step:


After the rolls have risen for 20 minutes (no longer), throw them in the oven to bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until they are a uniform light golden color. Remove the pan from the oven and allow the buns to cool for 20 to 25 minutes in the pan.


12th Step:


While the buns are cooling, prepare the frosting by creaming



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