Sourdough Maritozzi – Italian Cream Buns

A new and delicious discovery with Italian roots – sourdough maritozzi. Super soft brioche style buns filled with sweetened whipped cream… I knew they were supposed to be delicious but I didn’t expect to such extent!


Sweet Stiff Sourdough Starter 

  • 10g sourdough starter
  • 30g water
  • 6g sugar
  • 60g bread flour


  • 320g bread flour (100%)
  • 64g sweet stiff starter (20%)
  • 153g milk (48%)
  • 50g eggs (16%)
  • 60g soft butter (19%)
  • 30g sugar (9%)
  • 15g honey (4%)
  • 5g salt (1.6%)
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • 0.5g yeast (optional) to reduce sourness

Whipped Cream Filling 

  • 500g heavy whipping cream
  • 200g sugar
  • Powdered sugar to sprinkle on top.

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