marinated cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes




The ideal salad for the warm weather season is a salad made with marinated cucumber, tomato, and onion. It has a pleasant sweetness and a sour tang, and the freshness and crunch of the cucumbers and onions are incomparable.

This refreshing summer salad is made with sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions, along with a basic dressing consisting of oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, and pepper. It is my personal preference to serve it very, extremely chilly, and I will often include ice cubes into the mixture just before serving it. On a hot summer day, this is such a welcome drink!

During the warmer months, cucumbers are available everywhere and at a very reasonable price. There is a good chance that, if you have a vegetable garden, you have more produce than you know what to do with. In addition to having an astonishingly low calorie count, cucumbers also contain an exceptionally high proportion of water. During the hot summer months, they are an excellent way to keep both hydrated and filled.





1 Cup.Of water.


1/2 Cup.Of apple cider vinegar.


1/4 Cup.Of vegetable oil.


1/4 Cup.Of brown sugar.


1 Tsp.Of salt.


1/2 Tsp.Of coarsely ground black pepper.


2 sliced cucumbers.


3 large tomatoes, sliced into wedges.


A large sweet onion, sliced into rings.

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