Manioc Bread

Manioc Bread




*2 cups of cooked cassava


*2 eggs


*1/2 cup oil


*1/2 cup of water


*3 tablespoons of sugar


*1/2 tablespoon of salt



ā¬†Ā Beat these ingredients in the blender or mixer until itā€™s creamy and homogeneous. Reserve.


*4 cups of wheat flour, approximately

*1 tablespoon inst


In aĀ receptacle,Ā putĀ 3Ā mugsĀ of flour,Ā blendĀ withĀ incineratingĀ greasepaint.Ā OpenĀ aĀ depressionĀ in theĀ middleĀ andĀ putĀ the blenderĀ blend.Ā MixĀ byĀ hand,Ā startingĀ in theĀ middle. When youĀ startĀ importing, transfer to the flouredĀ bench.Ā UseĀ theĀ otherĀ mugĀ of flour while kneading.Ā KeepĀ kneading forĀ aboutĀ 10Ā twinkles,Ā addingĀ flourĀ littleĀ byĀ little( it may notĀ beĀ necessaryĀ toĀ useĀ theĀ wholeĀ mug). The dough isĀ readyĀ when it’sĀ smoothĀ andĀ noĀ longer sticks to yourĀ hands.

PlaceĀ the dough in theĀ coliseum,Ā coverĀ with aĀ clothĀ andĀ letĀ riseĀ for 1 hour.

Model theĀ viandsĀ as youĀ prefer, brushĀ thralldomĀ and, if youĀ want,Ā makeĀ cutsĀ onĀ topĀ with aĀ cutter.Ā LetĀ riseĀ untilĀ doubledĀ in size, about 1 hour.

SingeĀ at 170Ā degreesĀ forĀ roughlyĀ 30Ā twinkles.


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