London Broil Recipe : Marinade, Cook, and Serve

London Broil Recipe

Introduction to London Broil

Understanding London Broil

At its heart, London Broil is more than just a piece of meat; it’s a testament to the art of cooking. Traditionally, this term referred to a method of preparing beef that involved marinating, broiling under high heat, and then thinly slicing it across the grain. Though originally associated with flank steak, today’s London Broil may come from various cuts, showcasing the versatility and universal appeal of this cooking technique.

The history of London Broil is as rich and varied as its flavors. Though its name might suggest British origins, this culinary delight is firmly rooted in American gastronomy. It emerged as a popular dish in the early 20th century, a testament to the ingenuity of home cooks seeking to tenderize less expensive cuts of meat through marination and thoughtful preparation.

A Culinary Tradition Evolves

Over the years, London Broil has evolved, embracing new ingredients and methods without losing the essence of what makes it special. The key to its enduring popularity lies in its simplicity and the depth of flavor achieved through the marination process. It’s a dish that invites experimentation while honoring the tradition, allowing both novice cooks and seasoned chefs to put their unique spin on it.

Preparing London Broil

Ingredients & Substitutions

When embarking on the London Broil adventure, selecting the right ingredients is your first port of call. A typical marinade blends oils, acids, and seasonings to tenderize the meat and infuse it with flavor. For those inclined towards personal touches or dietary needs, fret not; substitutions abound!

  • Flank Steak: The star of the show, traditionally. However, feel free to use top round or other muscular cuts. The key is in the preparation.
  • Olive Oil: A cornerstone for its flavor and fat content, yet avocado oil makes a fine stand-in for its similar profile.
  • Coconut Aminos: A soy sauce alternative that’s less salty but just as umami-rich. Soy sauce or tamari are welcome back-ups.
  • Lemon Juice: Freshly squeezed offers a zest that bottled simply can’t match, although in a pinch, the latter will do. Lime juice or various vinegars can also play this acidic, tenderizing role.
  • Worcestershire Sauce: This ingredient deepens the marinade’s complexity. For a vegetarian twist, seek out a suitable substitute.
  • Garlic: Fresh minced garlic packs a punch, though jarred minced garlic can step in when convenience calls.
  • Seasonings: Sea salt, black pepper, oregano, and thyme are the foundation. Feel free to experiment with Italian seasoning or other dried herbs to taste.

Marinade Secrets for Tender London Broil

The marinade is where the magic happens, transforming a robust cut into a tender delight. Here’s a straightforward method to ensure your London Broil is talk-of-the-table tender:

  1. Mix: Combine your olive oil, coconut aminos (or substitute), lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, minced garlic, and seasonings in a bowl or directly in a zip-lock bag.
  2. Marinate: Add your steak to the mixture, ensuring it’s well-coated. Seal and let it sit in the refrigerator. A minimum of 2 hours does the trick, but overnight marination works wonders for depth of flavor.

Cooking Methods Explained

With your steak marinated and ready for action, it’s time to discuss cooking methods. While broiling is traditional and central to the dish’s identity, there are other avenues to explore for those without a broiler or seeking variety.

  • Oven Broiling: Preheat your broiler, place the steak on a preheated pan, and cook, flipping once, until it reaches your desired level of doneness. This method highlights the dish’s signature charred exterior and tender interior.
  • Grilling: For those balmy days or just a touch of smokiness, grilling is a fabulous alternative. It mimics the high heat of broiling and adds a unique flavor profile.
  • Pan-Frying: A cast-iron skillet can achieve a similar crust to broiling with the benefit of being more controllable. Ensure your pan is hot and your ventilation is good.

Serving and Storage

After mastering the art of preparing and cooking a London Broil, the next steps are serving this succulent dish and storing any leftovers properly. Here’s how to ensure that your culinary creation remains delicious from the table to the fridge and beyond.

Tips for Perfectly Cooking London Broil

To ensure your London Broil reaches its full potential, consider these expert tips:

  • Achieving Desired Doneness: The thickness of your steak and the intensity of your heat source are pivotal. A meat thermometer is your best friend here, aiming for an internal temperature of 135°F (57°C) for medium-rare, adjusting as preferred. Remember, the steak will continue to cook slightly after it’s removed from the heat.
  • Slicing Techniques for Tenderness: Let your steak rest for about 10 minutes after cooking. This pause allows juices to redistribute, ensuring every slice is moist and flavorful. Then, using a sharp knife, slice your London Broil thinly against the grain. This method cuts through the muscle fibers, enhancing tenderness and making for an enjoyable eating experience.

Storage Instructions

Even the most enthusiastic eaters can find themselves with leftovers. Here’s how to keep your London Broil tasting great for days:

  • Refrigerating Leftovers: Place any unsliced portions in an airtight container or wrap them tightly in aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Properly stored, your London Broil will keep in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
  • Freezing Guidelines: For longer-term storage, wrap the cooled, cooked steak tightly in plastic wrap, followed by a layer of aluminum foil, or place it in a freezer-safe bag. Label with the date, and store it in the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight when you’re ready to enjoy it again.
  • Reheating: To maintain the moisture and tenderness of your London Broil, reheat it gently. A low oven (around 275°F or 135°C), covered with foil along with a splash of broth or water, works well. Alternatively, for quicker results, slice the steak and warm it in a skillet over low heat. Avoid microwaving, as it can toughen the meat.


Navigating the nuances of London Broil can spark a curiosity that only specific answers can satisfy. Below, we tackle some of the most frequently asked questions to ensure your culinary journey is both enjoyable and enlightening.

Is London Broil a Good Cut of Meat?

Absolutely! While London Broil traditionally refers to a cooking method rather than a specific cut, it often uses flank or top round steak. These cuts are lean, flavorful, and, when prepared with care, can rival more expensive cuts for taste and tenderness. Their relatively lower cost also makes London Broil an excellent choice for feeding a crowd without breaking the bank.

How Do You Cook London Broil So It’s Not Tough?

The secret to a tender London Broil lies in its preparation and cooking. Marinating the meat is crucial, as the acids in the marinade help to break down tough muscle fibers. Additionally, cooking the meat to no more than medium-rare or medium and slicing it thinly against the grain are essential steps. These techniques ensure that the muscle fibers are short, making the meat easier to chew and enjoy.

What Is the Best Way to Tenderize a London Broil?

Marination is the best way to tenderize a London Broil. A marinade with acidic components, like lemon juice or vinegar, along with oils and seasonings, will not only infuse the meat with flavor but also soften it. For an extra level of tenderness, physically tenderizing the meat with a meat mallet before marinating can further break down the fibers.

What Else Is a London Broil Called?

Depending on the region and the butcher, London Broil might also be labeled as flank steak or top round steak. The term has evolved to encompass both the method of preparation and the cuts of meat best suited to this cooking technique. It’s always a good idea to talk with your butcher if you’re unsure, as they can provide guidance on selecting the best cut for your London Broil.

Enhancing Your London Broil Experience

Creating a delicious London Broil is just the beginning. To truly elevate your meal, consider the accompaniments and the finishing touches that transform a simple dish into a memorable feast.

What to Serve with London Broil

Pairing the right side dishes with your London Broil can turn a simple meal into a well-rounded, nutritious, and exciting dining experience. Here are some suggestions:

  • Veggies: Brighten up your plate with a variety of vegetables. Sautéed green beans, roasted Brussels sprouts, or a colorful salad can add freshness, color, and texture to complement the richness of the meat.
  • Starches: For something hearty, consider roasted potatoes, quinoa, or a wild rice pilaf. These options not only soak up the delicious juices but also add a comforting element to the meal.
  • Healthy Alternatives: For those looking for lighter options, mashed cauliflower or a vibrant, crisp salad offers a delightful contrast to the savory flavors of the London Broil.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

To master the art of preparing London Broil, consider these advanced tips:

  • Let It Rest: This might seem simple, but allowing your meat to rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing can make a world of difference. This pause lets the juices redistribute, ensuring each bite is as flavorful as possible.
  • Experiment with Marinades: While the traditional marinade is a fantastic starting point, don’t be afraid to experiment. Adding different herbs, spices, or even a splash of citrus can create new flavor profiles that make each London Broil unique.
  • High Heat Is Key: Whether you’re broiling, grilling, or pan-searing, high heat is essential for creating that delicious crust while keeping the inside tender and juicy. Don’t shy away from getting your cooking surface hot before adding the meat.
  • Thin Slices: Remember, the way you slice your London Broil can affect its tenderness. Cutting thin slices against the grain ensures that each piece is easy to chew and full of flavor.

Mastering the Marinade

The marinade is not just a flavor enhancer for London Broil; it’s the secret to its tenderness and juiciness. Understanding the components of a marinade and how they work together can elevate your dish from good to gourmet. Let’s dive into the science and art behind creating the perfect marinade for your London Broil.

The Role of Acids

Acids, such as lemon juice, vinegar, or wine, are crucial in a marinade. They gently break down the surface proteins of the meat, allowing it to become more tender. However, balance is key. Too much acid can denature the proteins too much, leading to a mushy texture. Aim for a harmonious blend that tenderizes without overpowering.

Oil: More Than Just a Medium

Oil in your marinade serves multiple purposes. It helps to transfer fat-soluble flavors from herbs and spices into the meat and also provides a protective layer that helps retain moisture during cooking. Olive oil is a favorite for its flavor, but other oils like avocado or grapeseed work well for their higher smoke points and neutral tastes.

Flavor Builders

Herbs, spices, and aromatic vegetables (like garlic, onions, and shallots) add depth and complexity to your London Broil. These ingredients can be tailored to match the theme of your meal, whether you’re aiming for a classic, herbaceous profile or something with more international flair.

The Sweet Touch

A touch of sweetness can round out a marinade and balance the flavors. Ingredients like honey, brown sugar, or molasses can also help to caramelize the surface of the meat, contributing to a beautiful sear and a rich taste.

Marinating Time

For a cut suited for London Broil, marinating time is crucial. Too little, and the flavors won’t penetrate; too much, and the meat’s texture may suffer. Typically, 4 to 24 hours is the sweet spot, allowing the marinade to work its magic without compromising the meat’s integrity.

Innovative Marinade Ideas

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your marinades. Consider incorporating elements like:

  • Citrus Zest: Adds a bright, aromatic note.
  • Soy Sauce or Coconut Aminos: Offers depth with umami flavors.
  • Chili Flakes or Fresh Peppers: Introduces a warm, spicy kick.

The Final Touch – Slicing and Presentation

Achieving the perfect London Broil doesn’t end with cooking; how you slice and present it plays a crucial role in its enjoyment. The final steps are where your culinary creation comes to life, ready to wow your guests or simply make your family dinner extra special. Let’s carve into the art of slicing and the flair of presentation.

Slicing Against the Grain

The texture of your London Broil can be made or broken by how it’s sliced. Cutting against the grain is essential. The grain refers to the muscle fibers in the meat, and slicing perpendicular to these fibers shortens them, making each bite tender rather than chewy.

  • Find the Grain: Before you start slicing, observe the direction of the muscle fibers. This will be your guide.
  • Sharp Knife: A sharp, thin-bladed knife is your best tool for clean, precise cuts.
  • Thickness: Aim for slices about ¼ inch thick. This is ideal for maximizing tenderness and flavor.

Presentation Matters

How you present your London Broil can turn a meal into an experience. Here are a few tips to make your dish visually appealing and appetizing:

  • Platter: Arrange your slices on a warm platter to keep them at an optimal temperature.
  • Garnish: A sprinkle of coarse sea salt, fresh herbs, or a drizzle of a complementary sauce can elevate the look and taste.
  • Accompaniments: Position your side dishes around the London Broil to create a harmonious and colorful plate.


Mastering the London Broil is more than just cooking a piece of meat; it’s about embracing a culinary tradition that spans generations, experimenting with flavors, and sharing a delicious, hearty meal with loved ones. From understanding the nuances of marination to mastering the heat of the broil, grilling, or pan-searing, and finally presenting a beautifully sliced masterpiece, each step in the process contributes to the final, delectable result.

Remember, the essence of a great London Broil lies not just in the tenderness of the meat but in the harmonious blend of flavors achieved through marination, the skillful art of cooking, and the final touches of slicing and presentation. It’s a dish that invites creativity, urging you to experiment with different marinades, cooking techniques, and accompaniments, making each London Broil a unique expression of your culinary prowess.


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