How to make :

  • step 1- A sizable basin is required as the first step in making fried bread. Mix together the salt, baking powder, and flour in the basin. We advise using a wooden spoon for combining.
  • Step 2 – Once the dough begins to come together, gradually whisk in the warm water. Because you might not need all of the water, add it gradually. Warm water should be used instead of hot water.
  • step 3- Let the dough rest for a further five minutes.
  • step 4- The dough should then be sliced into six pieces and rolled out on a lightly dusted surface.
  • step 5- Next, spread each piece out and cut out circles with a diameter of 1/2 inch. To ensure consistent cooking, make sure they are each around 12 inch thick.
  • step 6- Get a large saucepan or cast iron skillet out and fill it with 3 inches of oil. Dough pieces should be fried in oil until golden brown and beginning to puff up slightly. To fry the opposite side, flip the dough over.
  • step 7 – Place the fried dough on a platter that has been lined with paper towels. Any extra grease will be drained by doing this.
  • step 8 – Eat simple or with your preferred toppings. It tastes good either way.
  • step 9 – You can keep them warm if you wrap the bread in foil and bake.


Avoid over-kneading the dough when making it. The bread will get tough as a result.
You can adjust the bread’s thickness to meet your demands. I would roll the dough out thinner if you were going to use it for tacos.
By placing the fried bread on a baking sheet, you can keep it warm in the oven. If you are cooking for a large group and need to keep food warm while frying, this is really helpful.
Before frying the bread, make sure the oil is 350 degrees.

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