Homemade Oven Cleaner That Actually Works

There’s something about the holidays that compels even the messiest among us to deep clean our homes. The nooks and crannies you hadn’t even thought about back in October suddenly seem unbearably dirty, and your kitchen, where you only cook pasta and toast, suddenly becomes an unsanitary space that needs to be disinfected as quickly as possible.

After all, Santa Claus – that is, Mom and Dad – would NOT approve of dirt in the microwave, grease stains on the cupboard or, Santa Claus forbids, food stains on the stove. While most problems can be fixed fairly easily with the 409 and a rag, the oven is a completely different story…

Ah, the oven. If you’ve ever cleaned your oven, you know that the cleaning products sold at the grocery store are full of chemicals that will make you cry and burn your throat.Many of them indicate on the labels that the cleaner should not come into contact with the skin and that the “fumes” should not be inhaled. Sounds safe, right? AAAA no. These marks are real and I would know because I made the mistake of letting the vacuum touch my forearm and I still have the burn mark.

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