Preheat roaster to 425 degrees F( 220 degrees C).
In a large coliseum, whisk together the flour, incinerating greasepaint, swab, and sugar. Cut in the shortening until the admixture resembles coarse mess. Gradationally stir in milk until dough pulls down from the side of the coliseum.
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Turn out onto a floured face, and knead 15 to 20 times. Pat or roll dough out to 1 inch thick. Cut biscuits with a large knife or juice glass dipped in flour. reprise until all dough is used. Encounter off the redundant flour, and place biscuits onto an ungreased baking distance.
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Singe for 13 to 15 twinkles in the preheated roaster, or until edges begin to brown.
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