Coq au Vin


Coq au Vin

Serves 4

Prep Time 20 min

Cook Time 1 hr

Calories 840




8 ounces bacon, cut into 2- inch pieces

3 ½ pounds bone– heftskin– on funk shanks and hams, about 8 total

Kosher swab, plus further for serving

4 cloves garlic, diced

4 shallots, bestowed

shoots thyme

1 bay splint

soupspoons tomato paste

large carrots, hulled, halved lengthwise, and cut into 3- inch pieces

mugs funk stock

½ bottle red wine( like Rioja)

soupspoons interspersed adulationmelted

soupspoons flour

1 pound cremini mushrooms, bestowed

lately cracked black pepper


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