Carrot cake rolls with cream


+For cake:

°3/4 cup flour

°2 teaspoons. Ground cinnamon

°1 teaspoon. Baking Powder

°1/2 teaspoon. Kosher Salt

°1/2 teaspoon. Ground ginger

°1/4 teaspoon. Ground nutmeg

°1/8 teaspoon. Earth Carnation

°3 large eggs

°1/2 Cup Sugar Sweetheart

°2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

°1 teaspoon. Pure vanilla extract

°3 Grated Medium Islands

+To fill:

°1 cup sugar sweets

°1 pack (8 ounces) soft cream cheese

°6 tbsp. Soft salted butter

°1 teaspoon. Pure vanilla extract

+For glass spray:

°3 cups of confectionery sugar

°1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

°10-11 tbsp. Milk

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