Preheat roaster to 200 degrees.

Prepare to loaf kissers by smoothly sheeting withnon-stick cuisine spray and filling with diploma paperSet away.

In a sauce visage, over medium heatcombine1/4 mug white sugar, the diced apricots, raisins, and the water. Bring to a poach and allow to cook for 30 twinklesstirring sometimesRemove from heat and allow to cool.

In the meantime, cream together the adulation, cream rubbish, vanilla excerpt, and the remaining 1 mug sugar.

Add the eggs one at a time and mix well after each addition.

Add the cooled apricot and raisin admixtureincluding the liquid. Mix well.

Add the flour and baking greasepaintMix well.

Fold in the cherries, peel, and walnuts.

Transfer the batter to the set loaf kissers . Tap the kissers on the counter top to insure the cutlet batter has settled into the corners.

Singe for 55 twinklesCheck to see if the loaves are done by fitting a toothpick into the center of thecake.However, the loaves are done; if not, also singe for an fresh 5 twinkles and try the toothpick test again, If the toothpick comes out clean.

Once the galettes are doneremove from roaster and let rest for 10 tw


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