4-Ingredient Lemon Cream Cheese Dump Cake

We like any dessert that has lemon in it, and when it is so easy to whip together, we’re even happier. All of our desires have been met by way of this dump cake with lemon cream cheese. A zesty, lemony taste? Please verify. How about cream cheese? Verify again.
Something that takes no extra than 5 components and can be baked in underneath ten minutes. Check it again.
Why wait any longer? This dessert is ideal at any time. Go via your meals storage and accumulate all the elements we need.
There is a positive quantity of ability concerned in the addition of these 4 elements to your baking dish, even even though they are in actuality solely added. First, coat the backside of the dish with the lemon pie filling. Then, sprinkle 1/2 of the cake combine on top. The interesting phase starts now; to make sure that your cake combine is evenly coated, dice the cream cheese and finely slice the butter.
After the pie filling is added, distribute the cream cheese cubes equally over the surface. Finally, sprinkle the leftover cake combine on top. Next, use your thinly sliced butter to cowl the cake mix, protecting most of it if now not all of it, by way of spreading it out evenly over the top.



  • Lemon pie filling, one 16-oz. can
  • One fifteen-ounce container of yellow cake mix
  • 4 oz of cubed cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup, or 1 stick a little quantity of unsalted butter

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