Oven Baked Meatball Sandwiches


Preheat roaster to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Line a large baking distance with antipode & also place the raw meatballs on it about 1 ″ piecemeal.

Singe the meatballs for 15 twinkles.

Remove the baking distanceturn the meatballs over & return to the roaster to singe an fresh 14- 17 twinkles or until internal temperature reaches 185 degreesF.

While the meatballs are incineratingspot your dish dish with oil painting or cuisine spray.

Place the buns in the set dish & line the inside of each bun with a slice of provolone rubbish.

Once the meatballs are cookedplace several in each bun in between the rubbish.( * note– don’t turn off your roaster after incinerating the meatballs)

ladle the marinara sauce over the meatballs & also eclipse each sandwich with a sprinkle of mozzarella rubbish.

Singe in the 375- degree F roaster for 10- 15 twinkles or until the rubbish is melted.

* Opt – melee for 2- 5 twinkles to brown the rubbish before serving.

Sprinkle with Parmesan rubbish & parsley previous to serving.


To make these in the air range – chef the meatballs at 390 for 15 twinklesAssemble the sandwiches, also susurrus for another 3- 5 twinkles or until rubbish is melted.


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